Website Review Checkout ~ e-Rhubarb Website Design and Digital Marketing

Website Review - $47

Using the 7 steps of our ER7 Formula, our Website Review provides you with a written report which measures the effectiveness of your present website across a range of factors and makes suggestions to improve any areas of weakness. From how your website looks on mobile devices to encouraging new visitors to take action on your website, our report will cover every important aspect of your website to ensure you maximise its value to your business.

Our Website Review Service Will Identify.....

How effective is your website at attracting visitors
How easy is it for potential customers to interact with you
If visitors can interact with you in ways that suit them
If visitors can easily access the information they are looking for
How quickly your website pages load and how secure the site is for your customers
If your page layout is easy to follow and view on any device
If you are capturing useful data about your site visitors
If your website is able to retarget previous visitors to return to your website
And much more......

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